As Trump “Honored” Veterans During Ceremony, Report Claims Military Family Is Upset After President Seemed To Accuse Them Of “Criminal Voter Fraud”

Trump is doing everything to ignore that he is a loser and a sucker.

642 points

Donald Trump stepped out of the locked-down White House today and did the American people and those who have served this country a great disservice. While he was doing that awkward walk of his down towards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery for a Veteran’s Day event, he was actively attempting to get military votes thrown out in legal battles surrounding the election.

Trump is in the sticky situation of having lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden and he isn’t handling being a loser very well at all. He has boarded himself up in the White House and has attempted to call the integrity of the votes into question, despite having little to no evidence on the matter. However, that has not stopped him from making an ass of himself. One of these accounts, being reported by the Independent, is a perfect example of Trump’s hypocrisy.

Amy Rose, a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union whose husband serves as a major in the United States Air Force, said in the interview that the Trump campaign accused her and her family of “criminal voting fraud.” She felt the accusation was bogus and “had been made without any basis in fact.” — Which makes sense, as Trump doesn’t care who he scorns. And considering what he allegedly thinks about the military, I’m sure he is happy to use them as a scapegoat.

This particular attack on votes that included Amy Rose boasted more than 3,000 other voters in Nevada, one of the states he would have very much liked to have won from Joe Biden in this election. He claimed that the absentee ballots were “improperly cast” despite the fact that these voters were not living in the state due to their service in the United States military— hence the absentee ballot. But Trump has made it very clear that he will use anything to attempt to “win.”

Ms. Rose shared comments on Veterans Day and exclaimed how it felt to have her “integrity challenged” by the Trump campaign’s assertions:

To see my integrity challenged, along with other members of the military to be challenged in this way, it is a shock,” she said. “And to be potentially disenfranchised because of these actions, that’s not OK.”

If Trump wants to die on this hill he can, but I hope our democracy pulls through and that every single vote withstands his cowardly grasp.

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Chris Gifford
