Biden Campaign Takes Down Negative Ads After POTUS Tests Positive, But Trump Campaign Reportedly Says They’ll Keep Their Ads Going

How totally unsurprising.

625 points

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took the high road, took down all negative ads, and only promoted positive messages after Donald Trump announced he had tested positive for the coronavirus. And that happened before the president was transported to Walter Reed hospital for a few days after the president’s diagnosis. So, what this country needs is a bit of unity, but that’s too much to ask from team Trump, apparently. Because, as Biden circled the wagons in support of the president that just contracted the disease Trump mocked for months, the president’s campaign has refused to take the high road. After all, the high road is something the Trump administration isn’t familiar with.

Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh told CNN that the Trump campaign would not make a similar move as Biden did. Yeah, instead, the president’s reelection campaign will use this moment to attack the Democratic nominee. Go figure.

“Joe Biden used his speech in Michigan today to attack the President repeatedly on Social Security, the economy, and job creation,” Murtaugh said. “Now, Biden wants credit for being magnanimous?”

Hey, Tim, we realize that empathy is beyond your comprehension because your party lacks that trait, but don’t try to mud-wrestle a healthy opponent. At the same time, the president is hospitalized from the coronavirus pandemic that he failed to address when he first learned of the looming threat.

Many well-wishes are pouring in from Democrats, including Hillary Clinton — the woman Trump mocked for having pneumonia just a few years ago — so maybe this isn’t the time to go through with negative ads while the Democratic nominee is acting like a leader.

This isn’t a good look, but sooner or later, Trump supporters will take notice. The virus is real. This isn’t a hoax to take down their orange pissdaddy. None of us here at the Political Tribune are glad the president has COVID-19. In fact, as we watched his rallies while he played the strongman to largely maskless crowds, we were horrified over the spectacle. It’s not a joke, and it’s not something that should be mocked while Americans are dying. It’s never fun to watch someone sustain a self-inflicted injury.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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