DHS Secretary Directly Contradicts Trump’s Threats To Send Law Enforcement To Polling Sites: “We Don’t Have Any Authority To Do That”

Trump isn't going to like this one bit.

626 points

Trump’s desperation to control this year’s presidential election in an effort to secure a second term for himself through any means necessary, seems to be reaching a new, even more terrifying level with each passing day.

Already, in conjunction with his Post Master General Louis DeJoy, Trump and his cronies have attempted to all but completely dismantle the United States Postal Service in what appears to be an effort to completely destroy the practice of mail-in voting amid a literal deadly pandemic that’s already taken the lives of over 170,000 Americans and makes it wildly unsafe to stand in crowded lines.

As part of his most recent ploy to stick his foot into this year’s election, Trump has taken to the threat of sending law enforcement officials and even “hopefully U.S. attorneys” to polling places across the country to protect the nation against voter fraud, a problem he repeatedly claims is infecting this nation, despite the fact that he yet to produce a shred of evidence that proves widespread voter fraud in the U.S.

However, it seems that this pipe dream of the president’s is over as quickly as it came after his acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, just rained all over his idea.

During a segment on State of the Union with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Wolf made it strikingly clear, “We don’t have any authority to do that at the department.”

Persons in the civil, military, or naval services of the U.S. are prohibited from ordering or bringing troops or “armed men” to any location serving as a polling place for a general or special election “unless such force be necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States.”

During the segment, Wolf denied that Trump had brought up the topic with his department or agents, but was firm in his assertion, “That’s not what we do at the Department of Homeland Security.”

Wolf told Tapper that his department has not received and intelligence to indicate that foreign entities are making attempts to interfere in election infrastructure in the upcoming election, which Wolf’s department focuses on.

“But we do know about the disinformation campaigns and China, Russia, Iran, all go about that a little differently,” he stated.

Much like his idea to delay the election entirely, it seems as though even Trump’s closest people inside the U.S. government are only willing to go so far to pacify him. Trump can’t send troops to polling places anymore so than he can cancel an entire election in this country. It’s high time he faces the music and accepts the fact that he’s going to lose.

You can watch the clip here:

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