Don Jr. Goes Ballistic On Fox News Trying To Defend His Father From NYT Bombshell Report On His Taxes, Looks Like He’s Going To Explode

Is Junior about to explode???

627 points

Unless you live under a rock somewhere — in which case, either scoot over and make room for me or get out from underneath there, the world is on fire — there’s simply no way you missed the bombshell report from the New York Times regarding Donald Trump’s tax returns.

And before you say anything, I get it. We hear about the guy’s taxes all the time, it seems. You sort of start to feel like “what’s new?” right?

But this one is a doozy, folks.

According to the report, “paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.”

The report goes on to reveal that Trump “has reduced his tax bill with questionable measures, including a $72.9 million tax refund,” that’s now under the scrutiny of an IRS tax audit. All in all, the Times report explained that billionaire Donald Trump only paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 — I’m FAR from a billionaire and I pay more than that every single year.

To say the least, the Trump clan has been losing their collective minds over the story, grasping at every straw they can think of to defend themselves against something that’s undefendable.

And given their behavior, it looks as though they’re drowning their sorrows in Donnie’s alleged special cocktail of Adderall and Xanax.

Unsurprisingly, Don Jr. was quick to take to the only place he knows is safe anymore to defend his father against the explosive report, Fox News.

But from the looks and sounds of that interview, he did it with more than a little artificial courage, mixed with a heaping helping of fear.

Wondering what I mean? Well, just look at the guy:

Junior attempted to defend his father by ranting about payroll and property taxes that have absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand before brushing it all off as a Democratic ploy to give Biden the upper hand right before tomorrow night’s debates.

But y’all, social media just wasn’t having any of it:

Gonna be real hard to plead the 5th in the coming months if you spill all the beans through the cocaine sweats on Fox News beforehand. Just sayin’.

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