FBI Releases Official Statement On Hillary’s Emails After Trump’s Accusations, POTUS Embarrassed To Show His Face

This is one response that is going to turn Trump from orange to red.

604 points

While it’s getting harder to be surprised by anything Donald Trump does anymore, lately his behavior has gotten even more concerning as his erratic tweeting becomes even more far-fetched.

Most recently, the president claimed that China hacked the emails of former rival Hillary Clinton and stated that the Department of Justice and the FBI would lose all credibility if they did not investigate. This, of course, was said without having any evidence to back it up. Trump tweeted:

Hillary Clinton’s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps . . . their credibility will be forever gone!”

Trump tweeted all of that shortly after the highly unreliable Daily Caller came out with a story about a Chinese-owned company in Washington hacking Clinton’s private server, however only “two sources briefed on the matter” were cited.

Later today, the FBI hit back at the president, making an official statement to announce that there was no evidence that Clinton’s private servers while she was Secretary of State were compromised. The FBI said:

The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised.”

This is just another instance in which a tweet has blown up in Trump’s face — and he fully deserves all ridicule for this. Hopefully the embarrassment from this incident will have him off Twitter for the rest of the day.

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