Footage From 2016 Comes Back To Bite Trump’s Son In The A**, Catches Him In Major Lie

Donald Trump Jr. is going to regret ever doing this interview.

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Now that we know far more about Donald Trump, Russia, and the meddling fiasco that happened during the 2016 election, statements and lies from the past are coming back to haunt Trump and his team.

Now that Donald Trump Jr. has been outed for arranging the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians for the sole reason of getting dirt on Trump’s then-rival Hillary Clinton, one particular interview from 2016 is making its rounds again.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Trump Jr. called all accusations of Russian election meddling to help his father win “disgusting.” Considering the fact that Trump Jr.’s newly discovered emails show that he was more than aware that Russia wanted to interfere and help Trump win, this is really bad news for the Trump campaign. In fact, when this interview took place, Trump Jr. had already met with the Russians. It was an outright lie when the younger Trump said:

Well, just goes to show you their exact moral compass. They’ll say anything to be able to win this. This is time and time again, lie after lie. You notice he won’t say, “Well, I say this,” he’ll say, “Here are experts, here’s house cat at home who once said this is what’s happening with the Russians.” It’s disgusting; it’s so phony.”

This will hopefully add another layer of doubt to the claims of Trump and his team. They’ve proven time after time that nothing they say is truthful. Every new piece of evidence that comes out against them is more shocking than the last.

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