Former President Bush Dissed Trump’s Racist Rhetoric: “I Don’t Like The Racism And I Don’t Like The People Feeling Alienated”

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Bush.

621 points

In all my life, I didn’t think I’d ever see a moment in time where I had much more than a sliver of respect for George W. Bush.

Yet here we are, 3 years into the complete and utter dumpster fire that is the Trump administration and I find myself with a twinge of admiration for what was once probably my least favorite president in history (or at least in my lifetime) and agreeing with Bush has just given me yet another reason to absolutely loathe Donald Trump in every conceivable way.

Over the course of Trump’s reign of terror, several of his predecessors have spoken out against him for one reason or another. (God knows there are plenty of reasons to choose from.) And even Bush himself has made a point to hammer down on the current president more than once.

But perhaps the fieriest instance to hail from the guy who kicked off the downhill slope to America was the 2017 interview Bush did with People magazine, on the heels of a MAGA-blistering interview with NBC’s Today show.

“I don’t like the racism and I don’t like the name-calling and I don’t like the people feeling alienated,” the former United States President declared of Donald Trump during the interview with the popular magazine. “Nobody likes that.”

Trump’s predecessor went on to note that Donald’s new administration is involved in cruel policies, several of which directly contradict the work that he and his wife are devoted to through the Bush Center — even listing off several events that took place at the presidential library and museum, like pro-immigration programs and leadership training for Muslim women, to make his point.

“There’s a lot of ways to speak out,” Bush stated in the interview. “But it’s really through actions defending the values important to [my wife Laura] and me. … We’re a blessed nation, and we ought to help others.”

“I am for an immigration policy that is welcoming and upholds the law,” the former POTUS said of his immigration stance during the Today show appearance just ahead of his interview with People magazine.

I never thought I’d see the day, folks. But here I am, agreeing with George W. Bush. Even admiring him a bit. And I can’t figure out how to feel about it.

Featured image via screen capture 

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