Fox News Legal Analyst Ruins Trump’s Day By Translating Mueller Report, Warns More Trouble Ahead For POTUS

Poor Donnie just got a reality check!

589 points

Donald Trump and the Republican Party have definitely been celebrating prematurely over the report Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted. The president himself has even been bragging about how he was completely exonerated even though that’s far from the truth. And now, Trump is going to hear it from Fox News.

Earlier today, Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano translated what the Mueller report actually meant, signaling to Trump and his fan base that they shouldn’t jump the gun. In his segment, Judge Napolitano explained that this was just the beginning of Trump’s legal woes and that Mueller had not actually exonerated Trump on obstruction of justice.

Napolitano, explaining the full rage of the legal issues Trump was facing, emphasized the fact that Attorney General Bill Barr had not completely exonerated Trump. Napolitano said:

Now that’s a head scratcher. Why would the Attorney General reveal any ambivalence on part of the government on whether President has complied with the law?”

Napolitano warned that the worst is likely yet to come for Trump:

The Attorney General has opened up a can of worms. When he said in his four-page letter that the government could not establish the existence of a conspiracy – he meant it could not establish it beyond a reasonable doubt. Did they find some evidence of conspiracy? Of course they did! If they didn’t, he would have told us.”

You can watch the video below:

Looks like Trump and his minions need to stop acting like the president is innocent and take a look at the actual facts. For a Fox News contributor to say this is shocking and signals that conservatives need to take their heads out of the clouds. Trump is far from being excused in the Mueller report and as more information comes out, his fanbase will feel like idiots for trusting him.

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