Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Calls Out Every Senator That Failed To Impeach Trump: “ALL. OF. THIS. IS. YOUR. FAULT.”

What he said.

608 points

George Conway — White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s husband — took to Twitter in a moment of disgust to list the names of every U.S. Senator who voted against impeaching Donald Trump. We’re sure Susan Collins and her colleagues are very concerned over Trump’s newest scandal involving reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin offered bounties to Taliban militants to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

Conway, who has unleashed hell on the president with the Lincoln Project, posted a screenshot on Twitter of the names of the senators who failed this country by allowing a dangerous man to remain in the White House.

To be fair, George Conway’s wife is also complicit by covering up for Trump’s extreme rhetoric. Like, calling for violence against peaceful protesters, and the president of the United States using racist language. The Senators, though, were in a unique position to remove an unstable president, but they put party over country, and now we are all paying the price. We have been left without a leader amid multiple national crises. We’re on our own. Thanks, guys.

The Lincoln Project called Trump out for tweeting a video of one of his supporters shouting “white power,” then the White House tried to claim that he didn’t hear that remark from his fan. It’s kind of weird since everyone else heard it, though.

Conway’s group hit the president for his excused behavior.

Trump proudly tweeted the white power video out where it remained active for three hours before the president deleted it, and he allegedly didn’t hear the man yell out his racist message. So, Trump is hard of hearing and confused. But Biden is the confused one, according to President IMAX.

As for Trump’s explanation of his newest Russia scandal, the president claims that he wasn’t briefed on the matter and that only makes the situation worse.  Why wasn’t the president informed on something of such importance? Trump is supposed to be the commander in chief of the military, and the troops were left dangling with bounties on their heads. What a staggeringly incompetent individual.

Featured image via screen capture. 

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