Mike Pompeo Tries To Mock Pelosi, Appears To Backfire

Pompeo was savaged.

544 points

Republicans clutched their pearls on Tuesday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calmly tore up a copy of Donald Trump’s State of the Union address that was more like a MAGA rally as he heaped praise on himself while taking credit for other people’s accomplishments. The evening was divided from the onset after the president refused to shake Pelosi’s hand — so it was Trump who set the tone for the event. Conservatives weren’t outraged by Trump’s public snub, though. How terribly unsurprising. Pelosi tore up the lies Trump told the American people, and that was too much for conservatives to handle.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo jumped in to mock Pelosi by tweeting an image of a sobbing Lisa Simpson ripping up the pages of an essay while on Capitol Hill. The Twitterverse quickly schooled Pompeo as to the meaning behind the picture. In that particular moment of the episode, Lisa Simpson was losing faith in democracy after watching a politician accept a bribe.

This didn’t go down well.

Twitter users dragged Pompeo to school because Pompeo could have easily played the villain in that episode.

Nancy should feel proud that Pompeo just compared her to an anti-corruption character. If Pelosi is Lisa Simpson, then Trump is Nelson Muntz, the school bully in the popular show. The feigned outrage from the “fuck your feelings” party is laughable.

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