People Lose Their Minds After Ivanka Does Her Best Vanna White Impersonation, Poses With Can Of Goya Beans

I just... I don't have words.

596 points

I have this joke I make all the time about living in The Twilight Zone because, you know, the whole world is a dumpster fire right now and if I don’t make a funny every now and again I think I might actually die.

Seriously. Everything is a mess. There’s a literal deadly pandemic that’s still hammering down on us even harder than ever at this point while Trump pushes everyone to go about their day, business as usual, so he can get his precious economy back at the cost of a few hundred thousand lives. Black people are still being murdered in the streets by predominantly white police forces every time you turn around. Brown kids are still in cages at our southern border. And we’ve been on the brink of what feels like a dozen different wars in the course of not even one full presidential term.

It’s bad.

But then something like this happens, and I can’t help but laugh once again, because… Well… What else can you do when Ivanka Trump is posing like a model with a can of beans?

Exhibit A, folks:

As I’m sure you know by now, the Goya brand found themselves on the receiving end of quite a bit of criticism and boycotts after the company’s CEO praised Donald Trump — which naturally angered the Hispanic community, who happen to be their biggest target consumer group.

It’s been quite the ruckus, really.

So, it seems that Ivanka took matters into her own tone-deaf hands and thought that her pasty white behind posing with a can of Goya beans while captioning the image in (broken) Spanish would somehow help a single thing.

Frankly, all it did was soothe our desire for some humor:

The country is a dumpster fire, a reality TV washup is president, and Ivanka Trump is holding beans. What else can I say?

Featured image via NASA/Bill Ingalls

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