People Respond To Trump Ironically Giving Pro-Life Speech Behind Thick Wall Of Protective Glass: “As Is Typical Of Any Reptile Exhibit”

So. Much. Irony.

626 points

Thrice-divorced Donald Trump, an admitted sexual predator, on Friday became the first “president” to attend the March for Life annual march and rally that gathers anti-choice supporters from across the country in the nation’s capital. The former reality show star is trying to rally up his evangelical base after cracks appeared in its open acceptance of the vulgar “president.” Trump, a gun-rights supporter, spoke from his safe place behind a massive pane of glass.

Behold, the right wing’s “alpha male.”

Twitter users noted the irony.

Here’s a video of the spectacle:

Since Trump likes to compare himself to former President Barack Obama, I’m old enough to remember the current occupant of the White House’s attacks on his predecessor. Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, and I don’t recall him hiding behind a glass barricade for safety. Armed conservatives showed up outside of his rallies, and yet Obama did not hide. In fact, he didn’t flinch and simply carried on with his speeches.

Trump would overload his adult-sized diapers if he ever had to face the same hateful actions that our first African-American President had to endure, but Obama took it in stride.

In 2016, Trump, who allegedly doesn’t use protection when having sex, dodged a question over whether any of his past partners had an abortion procedure. For most of his adult life, Trump was passionately pro-choice — until he ran for office. Trump has said he’s”very pro-choice” in the past. What we’re saying here is that Trump is a massive hypocrite, and evangelicals have been played.

As for Trump’s glass wall, he’s done this before. The last time was during his Veterans Day speech while protesters shouted “Lock him up!” along 5th Avenue in New York City.

Featured image via screen capture

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