Powerful Time Magazine Cover Takes Aim At Donald Trump, Showcases The Mess He Left Behind For Biden To Clean Up

Hit the nail on the head.

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The majority of this nation has spent the past couple of days taking a collective sigh of relief. Donald Trump’s reign of terror and destruction on our country is finally over and hope and unity can start to be restored. He can’t hurt us anymore. To say that we’ve needed these couple of days to just take a moment to breathe and relax would be a massive understatement. We have just escaped the most abusive relationship of our lifetime.

However, while the hope and message of unity prevail, it does not erase the damage that Donald Trump has wreaked on this country during his time in office, it does not erase the massive mess that President Biden is now left to clean up, and now Time Magazine has taken aim at the chaos left behind by the previous administration with a viral cover image of the Trump destruction.

Illustrator Tim O’Brien took to Twitter recently with a photo of the magazine cover, titled “Day One,” and explained the artwork, saying, “For the past several days, after pondering where we are as a nation, what just happened in Washington, and what Joe Biden faces as he takes the office of President, I was working on a piece that is now on the cover of the new issue of Time Magazine.”

This isn’t the first time O’Brien, illustrating for Time, has taken aim at Donald Trump’s one-term travesty. In August, the artist created a cover for the magazine depicting the then-President drowning in a COVID river while swimming to get back to the White House that can be seen off in the distance of the piece.

The magazine, in conjunction with O’Brien, also covered Trump’s first impeachment.

This most recent cover showcases the healing and repairs this nation is truly facing in the wake of the biggest, most harmful disaster we’ve ever seen.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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