Report Claims Trump’s Friends Are Staging An Intervention To Put A Stop To The Manic Tweets And Claims Of Victimhood

Something has got to give!

610 points

In case you haven’t noticed (like, if you’ve been living under a rock or on one of those freaky Jared Leto retreats) Donald Trump’s Twitter habits have effectively gone from bad to worse over the past few months.

Frankly, there’s no telling what has triggered Donald’s latest bout of social media mania. But whatever it is, it’s resulted in some of his most disgusting attacks yet, namely the one he’s launched against MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough in which he basically accuses the popular news anchor of murdering his former staffer. This is all while Donnie plays the victim to every little perceived slight he can find or make up in his own head.

And according to a new report from Vanity Fair, those closest to him are gearing up to do everything they can to make it stop — even if that means an actual intervention against the president.

As I’m sure you recall, Donald spent most of Memorial Day weekend whining about being the biggest victim in the world of COVID-19. Vanity Fair spoke with an unnamed source close to Trump, who confirmed that his behavior and sour attitude wasn’t limited to his social media account.

“He was just in a fucking rage,” the source, who allegedly spoke with Donald last week, told VF. “He was saying, ‘This is so unfair to me! Everything was going great. We were cruising to reelection!'”

Vanity Fair points out that even as the death toll and unemployment rates continued to reach new heights, Donald still just couldn’t see this pandemic as anything other than a huge problem for himself.

“The problem is he has no empathy,” the anonymous advisor stated, also alleging that Trump whined that he should have been warned about the impending pandemic sooner, saying, “The intelligence community let me down!”

Another former West Wing official weighed in, saying, “Trump is doing it to himself by tweeting idiotic conspiracy theories about Joe Scarborough. Women are tired of this shit.”

One ousted advisor agreed, “Trump can’t pivot to a different strategy. He only knows one strategy — which is attack. It worked in 2016. But now it’s not what people are looking for.”

The advisor went on to tell Vanity Fair that Trump’s friends in New York are in the process of staging an intervention in an attempt to get him to stop tweeting baseless attacks against the Morning Joe host and drop the victim card act.

But can I just suggest, if you’re already in the middle of an intervention, maybe address the Adderall and the rapey behavior, and the late-night scream tweets, and the… Oh, hell. I’ll just write you a list.

You can read the full report here.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 

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