Report Claims Trump’s Narcissism Is So Severe That Professors Are Using It As Clinical Example

This is a whole new low for Donald.

586 points

If you’re anything like me, the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear “Donald Trump” is “NARCISSTIC.” Of course, that’s quickly followed by a multitude of various other things — like racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, bigoted, and bloated.

But I can’t deny that should I ever be asked to describe the 45th president of the United States in one word, “narcissist” would be the first to fly out of my mouth. Though it’s certainly a close race, I feel like that’s the one that he displays most often and most proudly on a daily basis.

And evidently, I’m not alone in that.

According to a new report, Trump’s level of narcissism is so severe that expert professionals are now using his pathological behavior as clinical examples, used to teach college psychology students.

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and huge Trump critic, recently cracked a joke about the idea on his Twitter, writing, “Someday, in the not too distant future, university psychology courses that cover personality disorders will require students to watch extensive video of our 45th president.”

Funnily enough, Conway’s “joke” was based in truth, which he quickly pointed out in a follow-up tweet.

“Oh, wait. The future is now,” Conway’s second post read, captioning a retweet of his own tweet from back in July of last year when he first broke the news of Trump’s unflattering appearance in University psychology courses:

Conway was referencing The Mind Of Donald Trump, a 2016 article penned by Northwestern University psychology professor, Dan P. McAdams, who also authored The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning. 

Just check out this excerpt:

“When, in the summer of 1999, he stood up to offer remarks at his father’s funeral, Trump spoke mainly about himself. It was the toughest day of his own life, Trump began. He went on to talk about Fred Trump’s greatest achievement: raising a brilliant and renowned son. As Gwenda Blair writes in her three-generation biography of the Trump family, The Trumps, ‘the first-person singular pronouns, the I and me and my, eclipsed the he and his. Where others spoke of their memories of Fred Trump, [Donald] spoke of Fred Trump’s endorsement.'”

Oof. That’s rough.

You know, perhaps I was simply naive in my assurance that I’d never see a day where the “leader” of our nation was such a horrible human being that they’d be used as literal textbook definitions of psychological issues. Yet… Here we are, folks. Here we are.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 

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