Right-Winger Alex Jones Brutally Heckled By Yale Students While Trying To Film A Conspiracy Video On The University’s Campus


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According to a new report from Newsweek, far-right webcaster Alex Jones had a not-so-great day today when he attempted to record one of his infamous, batshit crazy conspiracy theory videos on a college campus, only to find himself brutally heckled by the school’s students.

To make matters even worse for Jones (but better for us) it was none other than Yale University’s campus that Jones was attempting to get away with this one, and Yale’s students who gave him the what for.

“A group of around 20 students stood across the street from Jones while he was filming and heckled him for spreading misinformation, including his false claim that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax and the parents of the killed children were ‘crisis actors,'” Newsweek’s Ewan Palmer reported. “‘I am not pro big tax, I am pro don’t call dead kids crisis actors,’ one man can be heard saying in a clip that shows Jones arguing with the students.”

Jones is, of course, notorious for his absolutely outlandish, sometimes cruel and unusual, sometimes downright dangerous conspiracy theories he spews on his radio show InfoWars. 

Over the years, Jones has spread right-wing conspiracy theories ranging from the use of chemicals in tap water by government officials to feminize communities to claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hox perpetrated by “crisis actors” to try to take guns away from the American people — a claim that has earned Jones a hefty defamation suit from Sandy Hook parents.

The InfoWars host has been banned from multiple social media platforms for hate speech.

You can watch the clip here:

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