Some Unhinged Conspiracy Theorists Now Reportedly Believe Former President JFK Is Making Secret Public Appearances Disguised As Donald Trump, We Couldn’t Make This Up If We Tried

What in the actual hell?

667 points

A group of JFK Jr.-obsessed QAnon fanatics in Dallas have reportedly come out with a new conspiracy theory that’s so outlandish that it will suck IQ points out of your head. The QAnon cult believes that former President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business, and, of course, the media. Of course, they also think that Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed. So, they’re already off the deep end.

According to Vice News, a group of QAnon cultists has spent two-and-a-half months holed up in Dallas awaiting the reappearance of John F. Kennedy and his son. The leader, Michael Protzman, made the 1,000-mile trip to hear Trump speaking at his first major rally of 2022 in Arizona.

Here he is:

“Ahead of the rally, Protzman, or Negative48 as he’s known to his followers, predicted the event would feature some major revelations,” the outlet reports. “While most QAnon followers criticized Trump for talking about returning in 2024 rather than trying to overturn the 2020 election result, Protzman told his followers that something huge happened in the desert on Saturday night.”

Protzman told his followers on Sunday that Kari Lake, the MAGA candidate running for Arizona governor, had just finished speaking but that she was brought back up on stage by Trump to show people that Trump was JFK in disguise. According to the report, Protzman made that claim because he said that Trump appeared to be shorter than he should have been.

You can hear that below:

“At the event, Protzman, dressed in a Trump hat, a long red tie, and a “Let’s go Brandon” hoodie, attempted to red-pill attendees by displaying the bastardized version of the Hebrew numerology system called Gematria that he has used to convince his followers that he can tell the future,” the outlet adds.

OK, this needs to be said. Robert F. Kennedy would have loathed these people, especially Donald Trump. He was a liberal, not a batshit crazy Trump-conservative. However, JFK was assassinated in 1963, and his son died in a plane crash with his wife in 1999.

You can read the full report here.

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