Someone’s In Big Trouble After The Weather Channel Aired Shocking Graphic That Featured The N-Word

Someone's getting fired.

591 points

Someone working for The Weather Channel in Des Moines, IA, is in big, big trouble after viewers were visually assaulted by a shocking, inappropriate, and downright racist graphic featuring the N-word on live television.

Blue-check journalist Matthew Keys called out the disturbing graphic on his Twitter account, with a screenshot photo of the “Local on the 8s” segment where they aired a graphic on the screen that read, “Hello Des Moines, This is your weather my ni**ers.”

A spokesperson for The Weather Channel spoke with Keys and said, “This did not originate with us, and we are in the process of investigating it further.”

Keys himself reported on the matter, following the spokesperson’s statement, “It likely originated at the cable head-end, according to a source, though the network is still trying to figure it out.”

Twitter was, naturally, full of some unhappy campers over the matter:

Someone definitely won’t have a job soon.

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