Striking Message For Trump And Kavanaugh Appears On DC Courthouse, They Will Never Forget This

This will be burnt into their minds forever.

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The controversy behind Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the many brave women who have come forward to accuse him of sexual assault has shaken the country up. More women, after being inspired by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and the many other accusers, are speaking up about their own attackers and sending a strong message that this is not something that men in power will not be able to get away with any longer.

When a country is facing a pivotal moment in history, there are usually several powerful artistic projects being made to drive the point home, raise awareness, and make a statement that will mobilize people to act. Unfortunately for Kavanaugh, Trump, and the rest of the GOP, an artistic statement about the Supreme Court nominee is going to make sure no one forgets about this.

Robin Bell, an artist, activist, and founder of Bell Visuals, has made bold political statements before with her powerful messages, which she projects onto public buildings. Recently, Bell projected a rotation of striking statements against Kavanaugh onto the E. Barrett Prettyman United States courthouse, Kavanaugh’s professional base in Washington. Many of these statements said things like: “Brett Kavanaugh Is a Sexual Predator,” “#StopKavanaugh,” “#BelieveSurvivors,” “Brett Kavanaugh Must Withdraw,” and “Brett Kavanaugh Lied Every Time He Testified.”

In a statement explaining why she created this project, Bell said:

I’ve been getting a lot of messages and I can tell you [the projection] really helped people who feel hurt right now and are trying to not allow someone like Kavanaugh to be in power, to continue to be in power, and get to the Supreme Court.”

For survivors of sexual assault (and there are many), Bell’s work will offer some sort of comfort in a time where we actually allowed a serial rapist to become President of the United States, and may even allow a man who likely sexually assaulted numerous women to sit on the Supreme Court. Men like Trump and Kavanaugh need to be reminded that sooner or later, their time will be up.

You can take a look at Bell’s latest project below:

Featured image via screen capture
