The Internet Erupts After Trump Says Schools Should Open Because: “This Thing’s Going Away. It Will Go Away LIke Things Go Away”


621 points

Donald Trump just called into Fox & Friends on Thursday morning following his disastrous interview with Axios reporter Jonathan Swan the previous day. Trump has a lengthy list of experts at his disposal as president amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the former reality show star thinks he knows everything and fails at every turn to listen to accomplished professionals. Trump has been pushing for schools to reopen with COVID-19 still rampaging across the United States. Interestingly, Trump’s youngest son’s school is not opening during the national health crisis.

During Trump’s rambling interview, the president falsely and dangerously claimed that children are “almost immune” to the disease, and said that Democrats were only keeping schools closed to hurt him politically and added that the virus “will go away like things go away.”


The Internet went crazy.

Trump’s fact-free rhetoric isn’t the least bit funny. Sure, we’ve laughed at this guy for years now, but at this point, Donald Trump has blood all over his hands — and he wants more.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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