The Unhinged Delusions Are Already In Full Swing At Tonight’s Trump Rally As Event’s “Opening Prayer” Kicks Things Off With Insane Big Lie Fantasy That Donald Trump Is The “Current” President

Boy, this is gonna be a doozy.

683 points

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is holding a rally tonight in Washington Township, Michigan at the Michigan Stars Sports Center, and wouldn’t you know, it took precisely no time before the unhinged, Big Lie delusions and conspiracy theories were in full swing. Seriously, that nonsense was going strong before Trump himself even got anywhere near the stage.

Trump has, of course, openly, publicly, and proudly lied about his 2020 presidential election loss ever since the very moment the election was called in Joe Biden’s favor, more than a year and a half ago now. Despite multiple failed lawsuits and investigations and his ongoing inability to provide even an ounce of proof to back up his conspiracy theory claims, Trump continues to shout from the rooftops about a “rigged” and “stolen” race. But this evening, the preacher that was tasked with delivering the opening prayer during Donald’s MAGA rally seemed to take the delusional a giant step further still when, during his remarks to God up above himself, he quite literally referred to Donald Trump as the “current and true president of the United States.”

“So we pray. Father in heaven, we firmly believe that Donald J. Trump is current and true president of the United States,” the preacher prayed to the heavens and the MAGA crowd, despite the fact that Joseph Biden is was literally sworn into office on national television more than a year ago.

“Bless and protect him and his family from any physical, spiritual attacks and may his voice still the people to righteous action to bring godly men and women into elected office, in Michigan and across America. We declare that he will be back in office soon — very soon — in Jesus’ name,” he declared, I suppose also forgetting that the next election is more than two years away.

It’s certainly clear at this point that this rally is about to be a real damn doozy.

Check out the clip here:

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