Tiffany Trump Held Bizarre LGBTQ Event On Behalf Of Her Father And The Internet Has Questions: “What In Gay Hell Is This BullSh*t?”

What a hot mess.

623 points

We’re not sure what’s going on with Tiffany Trump. The president’s usually forgotten daughter remained in the background; then, she decided to jump on the Trump train just as it is about to crash and burn. Tiffany hosted an event in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday to court LGBTQ voters in the area, but of course, she left the T for trans people out of her bizarre speech to a small room full of maskless attendees.

According to the event’s website, “Trump Pride” is a “diverse coalition dedicated to re-electing President Trump.” Yeah, the same president that has issues with transgender individuals serving in the military. And Trump also opposed the Equality Act last year. Still, Tiffany Trump laughably tried to sell her father as an LGBTQ advocate — and it was awkward. Tiff came out blowing kisses at the crowd while appearing to attempt to dance or whatnot.

And the Internet responded.

According to a report, about a third of the more than fifty circuit court judges nominated by Trump since he took office have a “demonstrated history of anti-LGBTQ bias.” So, girl, sit down and stop saying you have gay friends. That sounds like someone saying, “I’m not racist. I have a black friend.”

Featured image: Walt Disney Television/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0


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