Top Ex-Trump Official Sends Trump Stunning F*ck You In Commencement Address, Quotes Robert Mueller

He's been waiting to say this for a LONG time!

592 points

It’s not unusual for anyone who’s gotten out of the Trump administration to go on a bashing spree against the President of the United States – at least, not since Donald Trump has occupied the Oval Office. Without fail, we’ve seen former administration members turn their backs on the president as soon as they walk out the White House doors, whether it’s with tell-all books or damaging television appearances. Today, yet another one of his former minions let loose and struck back at the president.

Earlier this afternoon, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave graduating students at the University of Baltimore law school a surprise when he delivered his commencement address, taking a jab at his former boss as he notably quoted the man who is the president’s biggest threat – Special Counsel Robert Mueller. During his speech, Rosenstein said:

Of course you will face pressure to compromise on things that matter most, perhaps even to trade virtue for the appearance of virtue. But you should exercise cautions when circumstances tempt you to disregard principles.”

Mueller’s quote followed, with Rosenstein making sure to tell all viewers that the quote could be attributed to Mueller:

As Robert Mueller once said, ‘There may come a time when you will be tested. You may find yourself standing alone against those you thought were trusted colleagues. You may stand to lose all those you work for, and it may not be an easy call.’”

You can watch the video below:

This is going to have Trump in fits today, as the president cannot bear to see those who are working against him to be praised and recognized – especially by his former employees! If you’re interested, you can check out the original speech from Mueller below, which was the inspiration behind Rosenstein’s speech.

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