Top Trump Adviser Makes Outrageous Claim That Biden’s Inauguration Date Can Be Delayed And Unilaterally Extend Trump’s Presidency

This is a lie.

619 points

The worst part about Donald Trump’s attempt to cling to power is his Republican enablers, and members of his administration that are OK with that, even though he lost in a landslide to President-elect Joe Biden in both the electoral and popular vote. Trump adviser Peter Navarro is one of those people. Navarro appeared on Fox News late Saturday and falsely claimed that Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20th could be postponed. The 20th amendment, adopted in 1933, clearly states: “The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January.”

During an interview with the equally bizarre Judge Jeanine Pirro, Navarro repeatedly claimed that Democrats “stole”  the election from Trump, despite the president’s team’s failure to make his case in court dozens of times. No credible evidence of widespread voter fraud has been offered.

“I would not be surprised to see a special counsel on this. And Vice President Pence, he has the authority to give that 10-day window to do what needs to get done,” Navarro told Pirro. “And I cannot imagine, when he goes through the facts, he won’t vote the right way on that.”

Pirro noted that “January 20th cannot be changed, that’s constitutional,” and Navarro shot back, “Well, it can be changed, actually. We can go past that date … we can go past that date if we need to.”

Then, Navarro took irony out front and center with cameras rolling and murdered it, saying, “One thing we shouldn’t be strategically gaming is the foundation of this republic.”


Instead of correcting Navarro again, Pirro just said, “Oh.” That’s very brave of her, don’t you think? Trump’s unhinged and unfounded bid to keep control of the White House is taking a perilous path. Numerous Republican Senators and lawmakers support Trump’s attempted coup while shitting on the Constitution to own the libs while ripping our democracy to shreds. That’s quite a toxic legacy each of them will leave behind, and all to support a profoundly stupid malignant narcissist that wants to be a dictator.

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