Trump Admits On National Television That He Held Up Veterans During D-Day Celebration, He Doesn’t Care

He is disgusting!

591 points

While in Normandy, France for a celebration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day, president Donald Trump put a hold on the entire ceremony, leaving thousands of officials and D-Day veterans to sit and wait on him as he partook in a sit-down interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

While Ingraham has gone on to attempt to dispute the long delay, calling it “fake news,” Donald actually admitted himself, during the interview with the host, that he was, in fact, holding up the commencement ceremony — he just didn’t care.

About halfway through the interview, just after he had commended the American farmers that are currently facing horrible economic ruin thanks to his tariffs, Trump switched to praising the veterans that were assembled for the celebration close by. “Listen to those incredible people back there… these people are so amazing,” he stated, adding “and what they don’t realize is that I’m holding them up because of this interview but that’s because it’s you.”

He ended with, “Congratulations on your ratings, I’m very proud of you.”

Initial reports indicated that the D-Day ceremony was delayed solely because of Trump’s interview. It was later revealed that French President Macron was behind, as well. However, the fact that Donald even mentioned it at all truly speaks volumes on his level of pure narcissism. If Trump knew that the ceremony would be delayed due to the French president running behind, and chances are good that he did, there was absolutely no reason for him to even mention it, much less claim that the delay was due to the interview, other than to harp on his power. It was an opportunity to showcase the fact that he can do whatever he wants, respect for the veterans be damned, as well as a chance to give his beloved Fox News Network a pat on the back.

His disrespect for this country and those who are and have served it truly knows no limits.

You can watch Trump’s admission here:

Featured image via screen capture

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