Trump Adviser Working With COVID Task Force Reportedly Admitted To Feeling Immediate Visceral Reaction To Trump’s Comments About Sunlight And Disinfectants As Cures For Virus: “I Wanted To Hide”

He's humiliating everyone.

688 points

Donald Trump wasn’t a “good” president before this coronavirus pandemic hammered down on this country. In fact, he was an absolutely terrible one. The worst one to date.

However, before this outbreak, there were at least a few days every once in a while where he was quiet.

Now that he’s twiddled his thumbs to the point of complete and utter destruction, not a single day goes by where I don’t cringe all the way down into the depths of my soul over something absolutely stupid, and usually dangerous, that idiot has done or said.

But as it turns out, it’s not just me. In fact, it’s not just us Americans here on the outside of the Trump White House.

According to a new report from CNN, Trump’s top health officials are feeling the cringe-y discomfort as well.

“The medical experts are now regularly faced with the choice of either publicly contradicting the President or letting inaccurate and even dangerous information go uncorrected. The consequences of either seem unpalatable,” CNN reports, before going on to note that a source with close ties to Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force said that people on the panel often find themselves caught off guard by Trump’s “surreal” remarks.

One official said that they’re never sure what Trump will “absorb” from the daily briefings and this he often cherry-picks through the information and ultimately fixates on what he chooses throughout the presser — the disinfectant and UV light ordeal being a good example of such.

“Some members of the task force have become aware that their reactions to Trump are being captured on camera, leading the experts and administration officials to either remind themselves to remain expressionless as the President is speaking or to stay away from the podium in order to avoid the camera,” the report continues.

One advisor working with the task force described to CNN the “visceral” reaction they had to Trump’s comments last night regarding injections of sunlight and disinfectant as a cure for the virus.

“I wanted to hide,” the source said. “It was a tough moment to watch.”

You can read the full report from CNN here.

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