Trump Biographer Labels Ex-President As “Fat Elvis,” “Begging For People To Like Him,” Sending CNN Host Into A Fit Of Laughter

That's hilarious.

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Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio recently sat down with CNN’s Jim Acosta and took the opportunity to mock the ex-president for his downright pathetic life now that he’s no longer living it up inside the White House.

Just last week we reported that Donald Trump had made an appearance at a wedding that was taking place at his Mar-a-Lago resort, and instead of offering his well wishes to the newly married couple, he turned his remarks into a ridiculous rally speech, in which he launched a nasty attack against Democrats and President Biden specifically, to what I’m sure he thought was a room full of his supporters at his club.

Speaking on the wedding incident, D’Antonio called the former president a “wedding crasher” in his attempt to “air his grievances” on someone’s special day.

“Typically former presidents try to build on their legacies by taking on big charitable endeavors,” Acosta explained. “Jimmy Carter built houses. George W. Bush has his library down in Texas. Barack Obama is doing that right now in Chicago. He’s been working on so many different causes. Is this just filling Donald Trump’s need of ‘they like me, they really, really like me?’ Is that what’s going on here?”

The biographer went on to explain that Donald Trump is a “very needy” person.

“So, he is going to go around begging for people to like him,” D’Antonio said. “In that wedding crasher bit, he asked, do you miss me yet? And it was really begging for people to applaud and say, yeah, we miss you.”

“Almost a please clap kind of moment, right?” Acosta quipped, referring to the time former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida begged a crowd to clap for something he had said.

“Yep. It’s Sally Field. You love me. You really love me,” D’Antonio said, referencing the actress’s 19802 Oscar speech. “And you know, by the time Obama actually was a former president he was already two years into his project called My Brother’s Keeper. President Clinton doesn’t have a personal website. You go to the Clinton Foundation, and you see these initiatives all over the world. There is great value in the presidency if you want to do good. Donald Trump is going to find out, is there great value if you want to try and sort of turn people into gullible customers. Buy my greeting. Buy my tchotchkes. I think we should look for merchandising to start very soon.”

Acosta said he kept expecting Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. to come out and join Trump at the wedding speech, adding, “It’s almost sad to look at. It is sad to look at.”

“This would be — this would be his fat Elvis period,” the biographer joked. “You know, the president — President Trump used to think of him — himself as an Elvis type of character. And sadly we are in that era for him.”

This particular comment sent Acosta reeling into a fit of laughter.

You can watch the clip here:

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