Trump Campaign Hires Yet Another Criminal As New Chief Of Staff Was Once Arrested For Campaign Finance Charges

It seems all he's willing to hire is criminals.

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According to an exclusive new report from Business Insider, Donald Trump’s campaign has now hired yet another criminal, as the report reveals that the recently-promoted presidential campaign chief of staff has one hell of a record.

The bombshell report claims that Stephanie Alexander, who formerly served as the Trump campaign’s Midwest political director, “was arrested in Oklahoma in 2016 and charged with conspiracy to violate state election laws after police seized her then-boyfriend’s phone in a cocaine bust.”

Alexander was part of a recent Trump campaign shake-up when she found herself promoted to her new, higher position on Tuesday. Before joining the Trump campaign, she worked in Republican politics on a more local level in Oklahoma — where the 2016 campaign finance charges stemmed from — after she allegedly “participated in a conspiracy to illegally coordinate dark money in a 2014 race for state superintendent of public instruction.”

The new chief of staff entered a not guilty plea and ultimately the charges against her were dropped by the state in 2017 with no explanation as to why.

Alexander’s request to have the record expunged and the court records surrounding the case sealed was granted to her by a state judge last month.

When questioned regarding the new Trump staffer’s case, Trump campaign spokeswoman Erin Perrine went on the defense for Donald’s newest chief of staff, saying, “Stephanie Alexander is a campaign professional and continues to be a valued member of the team.”

Suspicions have swirled about why the case against Alexander was dropped so suddenly, considering she faced up to ten years in prison on 3 felony charges. District Attorney David Prater said at the time that the sudden withdraw was only temporary, “pending further investigation.”

“We’re not done,” he told NonDoc of the case at the time of the withdraw. “We’ve had information come to us over the last several months regarding one or more of the defendants that we need to follow up on before we take the case to preliminary hearing.”

However, the case against Alexander was ultimately never picked back up.

The chief investigator of the case against Trump’s newest staffer, Gary Eastland, has admitted in interviews that he remains confused and in the dark as to why the charges were never followed through on.

“That’s a damn good question,” Eastland, who retired from the DA’s office in 2017, around four months before the charges were swept away, said. “I have my suspicions.”

This is far from the first time Donald Trump and his administration as a whole have brought on staffers with a startling criminal history.

Trump has been bragging since his campaigning days that he “only hires the best.” Though, I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. And considering Trump is a criminal himself, it only makes sense that he would find the “best” in his own kind.

You can read the full report, complete with a deep-dive on Alexander’s charges, here.

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