Trump Demanded That Ruth Bader Ginsburg Resign, And She Responded Appropriately

They don't call her the 'Notorious RGB' for nothing!

561 points

There are a whole lot of things in this big, wide world that get Donald Trump’s panties in a wad. But perhaps nothing works him up quite like an individual whom he feels is more powerful than he is. However, when the person in question happens to be a woman, he goes from angry to downright hostile in less than a hot second.

It’s easy to see that when it comes to the opposite sex, Trump is of the belief that they should be seen, not heard, and that their only true purpose in life boils down to making him a sandwich whenever he sees fit — despite his near-constant claims otherwise.

The man’s past interviews with Howard Stern in which he’s bragged about grabbing women by the genitals whenever he sees fit is proof enough of that.

So, when someone like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who’s not only a woman but a positively badass one at that, begins to threaten his masculinity, he simply can’t help but to completely lose his shit.

Despite the fact that Ginsburg has made it strikingly clear to Donald and his administration that she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon (by hiring clerks through 2020 to make it obvious that she’d still be around to ruin his day if Donald should, by some act of Satan himself, nab another term), Trump still can’t possibly admit defeat.

And what does Donald do best when he feels he’s on the losing end? Why he goes on Twitter to launch an attack, that’s what!

And that’s precisely what he did earlier this year after Ginsburg criticized the president over his 2016 campaign.

Donald actually went so far as to demand that the Supreme Court Justice resign because she didn’t like him, claiming that her “mind is shot” as justification for running her out of the Supreme Court.

“Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot – resign!” Trump’s angry tweet read.

Because Donald Trump has any room to speak on the state of someone’s mind.

However, Ruth is a dignified and respectable human being so she did ultimately apologize to the president. But that did nothing to stanch her disdain for the man, ultimately saying of Trump:

“We’re not experiencing the best of times.”

Sorry to tell you, Donnie, but the notorious RGB isn’t notorious for nothing, and she’s damn sure not going anywhere. Take your mommy issues elsewhere.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons

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