Trump Just Wished His Wife A Happy Birthday On Twitter But It Doesn’t End Well For Him: “Do Escorts Get Birthday Bonuses”

If she wished that Donald were no longer her husband, it clearly did not come true.

607 points

President Donald Trump finally got around to wishing First Lady Melania Trump a happy birthday on Twitter, only his message did not get the response he wanted.

Hours earlier, the GOP circulated a birthday card for Melania, thus beating Donald to the punch and likely reminding him that it was her birthday.

Four hours later, Trump posted his own birthday message to his wife.

Again, the man who usually spouts plenty of nonsense on Twitter before most people are even awake was so slow to wish his wife a happy birthday that the Republican Party Twitter account did it before he did — SAD.

But Twitter users had a field day marking Melania’s birthday as well.

Trump supporters, of course, are working overtime to heap praise on Melania even though she has been a terrible First Lady who can’t do anything for coronavirus victims except offer them “thoughts and prayers.”

It may be her birthday, but that’s not going to make people forget or forgive her lack of empathy.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons

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