Trump Spends Sunday Morning Attacking Former President George Bush After He Called For Unity Amid COVID Outbreak

There is literally nothing so sacred that Trump won't be childish about.

600 points

In one of the most childish tweets President Donald Trump has ever posted, he rejected a call for unity during the pandemic from former President George W. Bush because Bush did not oppose Trump’s impeachment.

The coronavirus has killed nearly 70,000 Americans in the last two months and the death toll will rise even more when a second wave of the virus is triggered by Republican efforts to reopen the country too early. Given the fight between Democrats and Republicans at this time, with one side fighting to save lives while the other cares more about the stock market, Bush released a statement calling for Americans to unite in this time of crisis and drop partisanship.

But as usual, Trump refused to endorse the message because he thinks Bush should have publicly spoken out against his impeachment.

The fact is that Republicans were the ones practicing partisanship during the impeachment as it was only Republicans who rigged the trial in Trump’s favor to acquit him without calling witnesses or entering new evidence into consideration. Only Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) crossed the aisle, making the vote to convict a bipartisan verdict.

Let’s not forget that Trump tried to extort Ukraine into opening a sham investigation into his political opponents, a quid pro quo involving the withholding of vital military aide.

Bribery is a high crime worthy of impeachment, as is obstruction of an impeachment investigation.

But Trump’s attack on Bush backfired as Americans responded with outrage and mockery that he could be so petty over an imagined slight while people are dying on his watch.

Trump had a chance to endorse Bush’s message of bipartisanship and unity. But once again, he failed this test of leadership and went straight to petty whining and making everything about himself.

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