Trump’s MAGA Christmas Message Was A Massive Bust As Americans Rail Against His Self-Serving Attitude And Brutally Remind Him He’s No Longer The President

Well, that didn't go over so well.

647 points

At this point, we all know good and well that not a single holiday or special occasion can come and go without former President Donald Trump doing everything in his power to make sure as much focus and attention as possible is centered on him for the day.

Easter, Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July — none of these notable days in the United States can come to pass without Donald Trump barging onto the scene like a wacked out version of the Kool-Aid man.

Christmas was no exception to this rule.

Early yesterday morning, on Christmas day, the one-term, twice-impeached ex-president released a statement through his spokeswoman Liz Harrington (because Twitter didn’t give him his account back for Christmas). Trump Christmas message was short, brief, and to the point — but even in just two short sentences, the man managed to stuff his self-serving agenda in Jesus’ “birthday”, all the same.

“Merry Christmas to all,” Trump penned in his official holiday statement to the American people, before quickly following it up with “We will Make America Great Again!”

To make matters all the worse, Trump signed his short Christmas message, “President Donald J. Trump.”

As you can imagine, the ex-president’s critics (which are plentiful) were quick to tear Donald’s Christmas Day greeting to absolute shreds — not only for his nasty self-serving attitude but also to remind him that he absolutely is not, under any circumstances, still the President of the United States:

Nice try, though, Donnie. Frankly, I’m impressed. All it took was 2 sentences to get your ass handed to you.

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