Watch As World Leader Swatted Trump’s Hand Away From His Leg During Oval Office Meeting

Umm... Gross.

580 points

Donald Trump could be called a lot of things — a pompous prick, arrogant bastard, whiny douche canoe, petulant brat. Really, I could go on and on. But the very top of that list should be “creepy motherfucker.”

The dude is skeevy as hell. It doesn’t take two dozen credible rape and sexual assault allegations to prove that — though, he went ahead and did that anyway.

The man truly knows no limits and the word “consent” doesn’t exist in his vocabulary. After all, we are talking about the dude that grabs women by the genitalia whenever he sees fit. I mean, he “doesn’t even ask.”

While Trump is certainly known for his blatant disregard of a woman’s personal space or bodily autonomy, it seems that his skeeviness isn’t limited to the opposite sex.

During an Oval Office meeting with Finnish president Sauli Niinisto recently, Donald got a little to close for comfort with his fellow world leader, and he doesn’t even have a p*ssy to grab.

Trump kicked off his meeting with Niinisto by doing what he does best — bitching. About everything under the sun. From Democrats to lawmakers to the “fake news” media to that big, fat elephant in the room — his Ukraine call.

“We have the most of the dishonest media you can imagine and you should be ashamed of yourselves,” Trump raged. “I think I’ve answered most of your questions.”

One reporter asked Donald if there was anything that the US could learn from Finland, considering they’ve been ranked the “Happiest Country in the World” by the World Happiness Report for two years in a row now. It was then that Trump leaned over and placed his hand on the knee of a rather uncomfortable Niinisto.

“Finland is a happy country,” Trump stated as he patted the world leader’s leg.

Niinisto gave Donnie a blistering glare before quickly raising his own hand to swat away Trump’s undoubtedly disgusting, albeit tiny one off of his body.

The Finnish president narrowly missed making contact with Trump’s wandering paw as Donald withdrew his mitt from the man’s leg and continued his hairbrained rant.

“You got rid of Pelosi and you got rid of shifty Schiff,” Trump continued to spew. “Finland is a happy country and he’s a happy leader, too.”

Seriously dude, there’s no telling where those hands have been. Keep ’em to yourself.

You can watch the disturbing clip here:

Featured image via screen capture

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