Watch As Trump Tells Turkish President To Take Questions From “Friendly Reporters” While Meeting With The Press

This sounds about right.

604 points

As we’re all painfully aware by now, Donald Trump has a bit of a fetish for dictators and attacking the media. (I’m sure there’s more that get him all worked up. But I don’t even want to be a part of that particular knowledge.) But anyway, nothing really toots his horn quite like the opportunity to combine his love for the two.

And he found himself lucky enough to do just that during a joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — and yes, that’s the very same dude that’s spent the last several weeks killing our Kurdish allies left and right with the permission of Trump himself. Are you surprised Donnie welcomed him to the White House with open arms? Cause I’m not.

After their Oval Office meeting, the two world leaders held a press conference together where Donald took the time to make it very clear to his fellow dickhead as well as all the gathered reporters that he only takes questions from the folks in the media that he feels are on his side.

“Would you like to pick somebody?” Trump asked the Turkish president after he wrapped up a question from the far-right media outlet OANN. “A friendly person from Turkey, please. Friendly. Only friendly reporters. There aren’t too many of them around.”

Of course, we can only imagine that this gave Erdoğan a happy little inside smile, considering his country is the world’s worst offender against the free press and Donald has slowly but surely attempted to do away with the free press in the US — or, at least, where it pertains to him, anyway. Considering the White House hasn’t held a daily press briefing in 247 days, and Donald has gotten worse and worse about downright refusing to take questions from reporters who ask him about legitimate things or anyone who he thinks will make his look bad.

Putin better watch out. Trump and Erdoğan are looking like two peas in a pod.

Featured image via screen capture

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