Watch As UK Prime Minister Calls Trump Out To His Face For Being Rude To An American Reporter

Oh, this is absolutely GOLDEN!

578 points

Donald Trump likes to act as though he’s king shit everywhere he goes. It doesn’t much matter what’s going on or who’s around, he wants it to seem as though he has the final, end-all-be-all say on pretty much everything — even when it’s absolutely none of his damn business.

Sometimes he gets away with it. Frankly, that happens more often than not. But sometimes us innocent bystanders out here in the real world have the absolute pleasure of watching him get called the fuck out. It doesn’t always happen — but boy, when it does, it is a thing of beauty. Even if the calling out happens to come from someone as equally dimwitted and disastrous as he is.

And today, after all the extra clusterfuckery that has been Donald Trump this past week, the Gods of comedic relief finally smiled down upon us — because Trump just got schooled by none other than Britain’s best fuckup, Boris Johnson.

During a sit down with UK’s Prime Minister, Donald attempted to attack an American reporter in defense of his fellow dimwit, only to be shut down by the dimwit himself.

The reporter questioned Johnson about resigning, to which Trump interjected his own answer, saying, “I’ll tell you, I know him well, he’s not going anywhere.”

Boris chimed in himself saying, “No, no, no.”

Then Johnson was forced to correct Donald when he claimed that Brexit wouldn’t be wrapped up until November, “It’s great to be with my friend Boris Johnson who’s got a position that he’s having a very easy time with, it’s much easier than we thought… It’s not easy and he’s doing a really good job. He’s going to make really great progress in October and November.”

With Johnson quickly interjecting, “October!”

“The results are going to start to show in November,” Trump attempted to correct himself. “But it looks to be like he’s making good progress.”

“We’re going to be discussing trade. We can quadruple our trade with the U.K. and I think we can really do a big job.”

“As I said earlier on let’s be absolutely clear that we respect the judiciary in our country and we respect the court,” Boris stated regarding a reporter’s question as to whether he would ultimately resign for misleading the queen. “I disagree profoundly with what they had to say.”

And here’s where Trump did what Trump just had to do, interjecting towards the reporter, “That was a very nasty question.”

“That was a very nasty question from a great American reporter,” Trump chastised the journalist.

To which Boris hilariously replied, “I think he was asking a question, to be fair, that a lot of British reporters would’ve asked.”

Ahh… I just love it when shit blows up in his face.

You can watch the clip here:

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