White House Employees Reportedly Had To Use Scented Candles To Cover Up The Stink Of Fast Food While Trump Wallowed In Self Pity

This is rock bottom.

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As I’m sure you’re well aware, Donald Trump didn’t take his presidential loss well… At all. Ever since the results started coming in on that fateful Tuesday evening, the guy’s been squawking about “voter fraud” and “Democratic cheating” with absolutely no evidence to back himself up. However, that resounding lack of evidence certainly hasn’t done a thing to stop him from filing multiple, baseless lawsuits in every state he lost and firing off relentless, unhinged Twitter rants that would rival the most manic of psychopaths in the books.

But apparently, according to a report from The Daily Mail, as bad as Trump was looking on the outside, to the public, things were even worse behind the walls of the White House.

Even a good while after the former Vice President Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election and announced as president-elect, it seemed as though Donald’s coping mechanisms went downhill with each passing moment — complete with flat-out denial and a lot of stinky fast food.

The Daily Mail reported that sources inside the Trump White House claimed the environment became seriously toxic during his final days in office, as Trump continued to refuse to accept the results of the election and downed copious amounts of fast food.

The report claimed that no matter what, Trump will consider Joe Biden a “phony” president and will refuse to attend his inauguration in January. (He ultimately did not attend.) However, to make matters all the more pathetic, sources allegedly reported a rather unpleasant smell inside the White House as Donald wallowed in self-pity.

Daily Mail writes:

Insiders described the atmosphere inside the West Wing as ‘manic, exuberant, energised and toxic,’ with some staff lighting rose-scented candles in an attempt to soften the environment — and to combat the smell of fast-food delivered to the President and his inner circle.”

Additionally, a source told the publication that Trump is “hell-bent on creating a narrative that the election was fraudulent and so Biden is not legitimate,” adding that Donald “believes there was a conspiracy against him from day one of his presidency — with the Russian influence hoax, the fake impeachment and now the fake election.”

It’s a damn shame that the Trump administration held up the Biden team’s transition — I can only imagine it took weeks just to air out the stench.

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You can read the full report from The Daily Mail here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
