People Go Nuts After Trump Tells Interviewer He Didn’t Bring Up Russian Bounties To Putin Because “It Never Reached My Desk”

This is what a traitor looks like.

619 points

Donald Trump on Wednesday was interviewed by Axios’ Jonathan Swan and the president dismissed the reports of Russia putting bounties on US troops in Afghanistan that have been independently confirmed by multiple news outlets as well as multiple security and intelligence agencies from countries around the world. Trump recently had a conversation on the phone with  Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he confirmed to Swan that he didn’t discuss the topic.

“No, that was a phone call to discuss other things,” Trump told Swan. “That’s an issue where many people said that was fake news.”

“Who said it was fake news?” Swan asked.

“I think a lot of people.” the president replied. “If you look at some of the wonderful folks from the Bush administration, some of them not friends of mine were saying it’s a fake issue.”

Trump admitted that the reports “never reached my desk,” and that presents another problem with this president.


The interview enraged social media users.

What this guy said:

Trump needs to be shown again that “nobody likes” him in November. Trump doesn’t care about the one hundred and fifty thousand dead Americans from the COVID-19 pandemic, and he doesn’t care about our troops. Trump only cares about Trump.

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