Mortifying Photos Of Trump On The Golf Course Had People Calling Him “Diaper Toe” And You Seriously Can’t Unsee It

Well, that's just nasty...

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Donald Trump had a whole lot going on recently — what with losing the election, trying desperately to un-lose the election through ridiculous and useless lawsuits and recounts, this pesky pandemic he’s trying really hard to ignore, the fact that his eviction notice was creeping up on him at an alarming rate, and, of course, all that golf.

In all seriousness, the country is quite literally falling apart at the seams — millions are still out of work due to the pandemic, Congress (Mitch McConnell) refuses to get their heads out of their asses when it comes to some financial relief in the form of direct payments to the American people, a new strain of the virus is making its way into the country, more than 330,000 people have lost their lives to it, and counting — yet Donald Trump filled his last days as President of the United States with little more than a shitload of golf and a few tweets in which he screeches “$2000!” but doesn’t actually do anything to get the American people $2000; until he got kicked off, of course.

To be frank, it’s enough to make you want to scream, and possibly pull some of your hair out, that hasn’t been cut since last year because — Hello, PANDEMIC!

So, when some images started to circulate that, once again, gave us an opportunity to shame the Hell out of the guy who’s made our lives a living Hell over the past four years, you best believe we took it — Whether it was the mature thing to do or not.

In a handful of photos that recently made waves on social media, it appeared as though Donnie has been caught depending on Depends once again:

Like any other time something like this comes up, it’s pretty much impossible for us to verify the legitimacy of the photos with 100 percent certainty. But, honestly, do you doubt it? Because I don’t.

To say the very least, social media went hog wild with the snapshots, finding a little comic relief in the midst of this disaster:

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But the most cringeworthy response to Donnie’s diaper disaster came from none other than his former Apprentice staffer turned Trump family tell-all, Noel Casler. And let me tell ya, you’re gonna need a moment to brace yourself for this one:

Oh… Dear God.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
