Albuquerque Mayor Put Up Hilarious Joke Sign Refusing To Accept Checks From Donald Trump


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Former President Donald Trump isn’t known for paying his bills. The mayor of Albuquerque, N.M., knows something about that since the twice impeached former president still hasn’t paid the city $200,000 that it charged his campaign for a rally he hosted. After receiving the “We do NOT accept checks from Donald J. Trump” sign from The Daily Show, Mayor Tim Keller took to Twitter to show that he put the sign up.

“Just to clarify, we would accept one check from him for the amount of roughly $200,000 for services rendered,” Keller said in a tweet.

Unfortunately, it’s a temporary installment of the sign.

Here’s a clip of the mayor explaining to Jordan Klepper the debt Trump owes to his city:

Twitter users weighed in:

Keller told Klepper that the city hired a collection agency after Trump’s campaign would not return its phone calls. And indeed, they did put it in collections. While the joke-sign is hilarious, it’s not amusing that Trump, who claims to be a billionaire, doesn’t pay his bills. Instead, the American taxpayers footed the bills for his ego-rallies. Trump supporters somehow give him a pass for all of his misdeeds and greedy endeavors.

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