As George Floyd’s Funeral Takes Place, Trump Brags On Twitter About Hiring An African-American Military Service Chief, People Don’t Seem Impressed

This is just sickening.

635 points

Folks, there’s a reason for the thousands upon thousands of protests, and members of the Black Lives Matter movement are pretty much camped out right in front of Donald Trump’s front door — in spite of the bunker fiasco and the baby gate that he’s now had built around the White House to protect himself.

The dude is a racist piece of garbage. He always has been. He always will be.

Even as the protests and demonstrations continue to rage, not just in all 50 states but around the world as well, Trump has yet to do a single thing to show that he has any real interest in addressing systemic racism and police brutality in this nation.

In fact, he’s done exactly the opposite at every given opportunity — bringing the force of the US National Guard down on peaceful protesters, trashing ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, and spending more time sympathizing with white police officers on Twitter than the black men and women who continue to lose their lives in this country.

However, in true Trump fashion, you still couldn’t convince the guy that he’s doing a single thing wrong for all the love or money in the world. And he more than proved as much today.

As we speak, the funeral of George Floyd is taking place in his hometown of Houston.

But Donald Trump isn’t attending the service. He’s not even expressing his condolences for the life taken too soon.

No. Trump is on Twitter bragging about himself. Specifically about the fact that he recently hired a black guy, so that really should make things all better.

“My decision to appoint @usairforce General Charles Brown as the USA’s first-ever African American military service chief has now been approved by the Senate. A historic day for America! Excited to work even more closely with Gen. Brown, who is a Patriot and Great Leader!” Trump posted to his social media account.

But given that the rest of the country is currently mourning the lost life of another murdered African-American, absolutely no one was impressed:

You can’t convince me for even a moment that this guy doesn’t fully believe that black people exist only in the capacity of making him look better.

Featured image via screen capture

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