Biden Press Secretary Seamlessly Smacks Down Reporter Who Asked Why President Biden Didn’t Credit Trump For Vaccine Development During Speech


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Conservatives, and some news outlets, really want former President Donald Trump to get some credit after President Joe Biden’s successful  COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts during his first 50 days in office. Apples, oranges, etc. And of course, Fox News’s Sean Hannity chimed in to say that Biden should “thank” his predecessor even though Trump downplayed the gravity of the coronavirus when he first learned of the looming threat. But, thanks for the mountain of dead bodies in this country, Donald, I guess?

This seems to be the issue inundating our current news cycle even though Trump bungled his handling of the pandemic, going as far as to hold super-spreader events while mocking social distancing guidelines and mask-wearing.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked by a reporter about President Biden’s speech on Thursday and why he didn’t give Trump credit during his COVID-19 address. Psaki pointed out that the administration has praised the “Herculean effort” by scientists in getting a vaccine available. She also said that properly handling the coronavirus also entails mask-wearing and acknowledging that there’s a pandemic. Trump failed on every turn, but still, the reporter suggested that “for unity,” Biden should praise his predecessor.

“Americans are looking for facts. They’re looking for details,” Psaki said. “They’re looking for specifics. I don’t think they’re worried too much about applause from six months ago when the president has already delivered that publicly.”

What we didn’t have from the previous administration was the truth. Americans were gaslighted ad nauseam while shuttering at home to flatten the coronavirus curve, while the then-president mocked the very disease that has inflicted nearly 120 million people in this country. President Biden has done more to contain the disease in just 50 days than Trump did in one year. We desperately needed a leader in 2020, but instead, we ended up with a former reality TV show star dancing to YMCA at his super-spreader events. Sure, give that guy credit.

Featured image via Political Tribune

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