Bob Mueller’s Latest Court Filing Has Information In It That Should Make Trump Very Nervous To Tweet

This is going to screw Trump over!

594 points

Yesterday, a bombshell was dropped about the President of the United States, and Donald Trump and his administration are completely ignoring it. Despite the fact that a memo from Special Counsel Robert Mueller strongly implicated that Trump had knowledge of and consented to the crimes of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, the president has been ranting about how he is “clear” on Twitter. The Trump administration sent out a similar statement, deflecting any blame from the president.

However, there’s one particular section of Mueller’s filing that Trump should not be ignoring, whether publicly or privately — and if Trump were smart (which he is not), he would stop tweeting altogether. This section was tweeted below by lawyer and MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller:

What does this mean for Trump? While Mueller definitely cares about the lies that Trump and his team have told to Congress or investigators, he is also interested in the lies Trump’s team have told the public. And what is the biggest source for Trump’s lies and misleading information? His Twitter account.

Trump regularly tweets fake news, and very little of his Twitter timeline is based on truth or factual statements. This should terrify Trump, but the president is still very much in denial or believes that he is untouchable because even today the Tweeter in Chief was posting nonsense — outright LIES — on social media.

Once again, Trump becomes his own worst enemy and proves to be incapable of keeping himself out of trouble. The president’s behavior since these memos came out has been baffling and will likely only get worse. It’s almost like Trump is helping Mueller!

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