Chinese-Born Reporter Alleges White House Officials Referred To COVID-19 As “Kung-Flu” To Her Face: “Makes Me Wonder What They’re Calling It Behind My Back”

Absolutely shameful.

644 points

The coronavirus is scary, folks. It’s not just “media hype.” It’s not just “ill-placed hysteria.” And it’s damn sure not a “hoax.” The new, potentially deadly virus is still sweeping the globe as we speak and it’s rapidly infiltrating the United States — taking countless lives in its path and uprooting millions more as people worry how they’ll pay their bills and feed their children as the country slowly but surely shuts down.

People are trapped in their homes, wondering if they’ve unknowingly been exposed, waiting for symptoms of the fatal illness hoping that there will be a test and treatment options available to them should a cough, shortness of breath, and fever ultimately make an appearance.

There are no two ways about it — the coronavirus, in and of itself, is absolutely terrifying.

But as the country continues to lockdown and attempts to heal itself with little help from the federal government, there are “secondary” effects of the potentially fatal illness that equally as terrifying.

We’re all well aware that COVID-19 got started in China — more specifically, experts believe, at a wet market in Wuhan.

As a result of the virus’ point of origin, people are using this opportunity to their already racist behavior to an entirely new level — and I’m not just talking about your racist ass uncle who’s always drunk, wearing a MAGA hat at Thanksgiving.

I’m talking about high-ranking officials within this country’s government who are capitalizing on the opportunity to be an extra racist douchebag.

Just yesterday, Trump himself referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” and now it seems as though his White House staff is following suit.

Weijia Jiang, Chiese-born White House correspondent for CBS News, revealed on her social media account today that a White House official had the audacity to refer to coronavirus as the “Kung-Flu” to her face.

This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the ‘Kung-Flu’ to my face,” Jiang’s tweet read. “Makes me wonder what they’re calling it behind my back.” 

The Trump administration is absolutely loving this opportunity to capitalize on their racism, create a stigma around an entire race, and further their agenda to cleanse this nation of anyone darker-toned than the ghost of an Irish albino. And it’s sickening.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 

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