Chris Christie Discusses New Jersey Midterm Results, Delivers Stunning Anti-Trump Bombshell

This was Christie's moment... for revenge.

578 points

After an unsuccessful attempt at becoming the GOP’s frontrunner in the 2016 election, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie puzzled America by basically becoming Donald Trump’s b*tch, despite how many times The Donald insulted him, made him look terrible, or held him hostage on stage.

It seems like Christie hasn’t forgotten and took a small jab at the president earlier today as he spoke about New Jersey’s midterm results on ABC. As Christie spoke about how the midterms were a win for New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez despite the controversy and hatred Menendez attracted, Christie stated that the people of New Jersey hated Trump even more and it helped Menendez win. Christie said:

I heard lots of people say they didn’t like Menendez, but they didn’t like the president more. The Trump headwind in New Jersey is probably as hard as it is any place in the country.”

You can watch Christie slam Trump below:

This is pretty big because Menendez was up against a lot — he previously faced federal corruption charges up until January, when a jury couldn’t reach a verdict. However despite this, Christie has acknowledged that New Jersey hates Trump way more than anything Menendez could have done, and the president pushed constituents to vote blue in the midterms.

In all honesty, we wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is a trend we see in many more states as the results come in. Trump had once said he would unite America and become the president for all people. While he’s done nothing to become everyone’s president (unless you’re a white racist man), Trump has done plenty to unite America against him. With unusually high voter turnout numbers being reported, the midterms have come to represent a major protest against Trump and the GOP — and it’s their own fault.

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