‘Creepiest Pic Of Mom And Son’: Disturbing Image Of Melania And Barron Was So Unsettling That Snopes Had To Confirm It Was Real

This is so creepy.

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***DISCLAIMER: The original story was first published in March 2024***

Folks, if you’re sitting down, you might want to stay seated for this one. A photo of Melania Trump with her young son Barron has resurfaced, and it’s causing a wave of shock and disgust across the internet. Now, before you think it’s another one of those AI-generated deep fakes, let me stop you right there. It’s real. Verified. This disturbing image from a 2016 photoshoot at Trump Tower is enough to make anyone wonder how it was ever considered acceptable, and why CPS wasn’t knocking on the door.

The image shows young Barron—nine years old at the time—sitting on his mother’s lap, aiming a camera down at her face and chest. Melania is holding onto her son’s thighs while a few Polaroid shots of herself are scattered across the couch. Yeah, I know. It’s bizarre, and to say it’s inappropriate barely scratches the surface.

This unsettling photo went viral after being reposted on social media by user @Sundae_Divine, and people were rightfully skeptical. In this age of AI, it’s hard to trust what you see online. Could it really be real? Well, unfortunately, the fact-checkers at Snopes confirmed that it is. The image was snapped during a photo shoot by Regine Mahaux, and it’s not just a one-off—there’s an entire album of Trump family pictures in this same peculiar style.


Let’s be honest: no matter how you try to spin it, this photo crosses a line. Twitter users, as you can imagine, had some strong reactions. Many pointed out the strange, almost incestuous vibes of the pose, and wondered how such a photo could be deemed okay, let alone be part of a family album.


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What makes this even more uncomfortable is the context. This wasn’t some candid, spur-of-the-moment family shot. This was a planned, professional photo shoot. And for those of us left scratching our heads, the fact that it’s real just makes it worse. There’s something about the whole thing that feels so deeply unsettling, so out of bounds, that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

So, yeah, this is one of those things you see online and immediately wish you hadn’t. But sadly, it’s out there, and there’s no unseeing it.

Featured Image via Political Tribune Gallery

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
