Don Jr. Got Really Upset That People Mistook His “Impassioned Speech” For A Bad Dr*g Problem

Yea, okay, buddy.

584 points

Donald Trump’s eldest and most sycophantic spawn and namesake is back at it again with his grainy Rumble videos, ranting and raving about his half-baked notions that fail to make any sense to anyone with half the brain cells the good Lord gave a goose.

Every single time Don Jr. posts one of these batshit insane, fully unhinged episodes of his Rumble show, Triggered, with Donald Trump Jr. — which always manage to look as though they were recorded in his mom’s basement on a 1970s camcorder — it leads people to wonder not even if, but rather, what sort of drugs the eldest Trump spawn is sucking up his nose with the force of Jesus Christ himself, that would lead him to purposely and publicly act like such a deranged fool for the entire world to see.

And yet, funnily enough, that’s exactly what Junior’s gripe was this time.

In one of his recent podcast episodes, Don Jr. took issue with the fact that so many people mistake his “impassioned speeches” for a really bad drug problem — namely cocaine. Wouldn’t you know, he thinks we should all be focusing on Hunter Biden instead.

“I’ve been blessed beyond belief in this country,” Jr. said during the Triggered episode with the notorious Kash Patel. “I got thrown into politics in my late 30s, and all the sudden, it’s like, hey, I just actually believe this stuff. I will more than happily fight for it.”

He went on to indicate that we should all probably be grateful that he even got into the political playing field, because “It would have been a lot easier to shut the hell up and be a real estate developer.”

“It’s so important to be in that fight. But I look at what they called me: a traitor,” the Trump spawn whined. “Adam Schiff wanted to try me for treason. You know, a crime punishable by death.”

Jr.’s speech to Patel then devolved into an attack against the president’s son, who he accused of money laundering and taking “a billion from China.”

“And it’s like, he’s an upstanding human being!” Jr. exclaimed in his tell-tale screech. “And then I give an impassioned speech, and they’re like, ‘Oh, Don Jr. is on coke!'”

I mean, when it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…

You can watch the unhinged episode here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
