Donald Trump’s Eldest Son Appeared To Go Through Some Seriously Unsavory Emotions As He Listened To His Dad Heap Praises On His Little Brother Barron

I think Junior felt some type of way.

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Earlier this week, we reported on Donald Trump’s dramatic introduction of his youngest son Barron at his recent Florida rally.

According to various reports, this seems to be the first time that Barron Trump has attended one of his father’s political rallies and Donald made a proper meal of it.

In footage of the event, Trump announces his son’s attendance as though he were the second coming of Christ himself.

In the clip, we see the youngest Trump — who recently turned 18, graduated from his prestigious private high school and will attend university in the Fall — stand up and give the crowd the Trump-trademarked fist pump and wave, straight from his father’s playbook, as his dad announces his attendance from the stage.

“He’s a very good guy, I tell ya,” Trump says of his youngest son and Barron soaked up the admiration. “And I’m not allowed to call them ‘boy,’ but he is my boy…”

In a rare public moment for the youngest Trump spawn, Barron positively ate up the attention and, funnily enough, it seemed as though his big brother was not very happy about it.

In that clip, we see that Donald’s two older sons were in attendance at the recent rally, as well. You’ll notice that middle Trump boy Eric stands up and gives Barron a round of applause for his moment of fame. However, you’ll also notice that Junior, who has long been dying to earn his daddy’s unconditional love and a spot as the “Favorite Trump Child,” didn’t look nearly as thrilled for his little brother.

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People across social media were quick to pick up on Junior’s bad vibes:

Others pointed out that Donald may very well be doing this on purpose, in a narcissistic manipulation tactic called “triangulation,” meant to essentially “divide and conquer” in an effort to pit his children against each other, so that they’ll each work harder to earn his love:

Either way, it’s pretty clear that Junior’s got a pretty bad taste in his mouth now.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
