Ex-Acting Solicitor General Confirmed J6 Investigators Have Proof Implicating Multiple GOP Leaders In Infamous Coup Attempt: “The Rot Wasn’t Just Donald Trump”

The rot spreads far and wide through the GOP.

652 points

At this point, it’s certainly not hard to see the level of responsibility and blame for the infamous, deadly January 6th Capitol riot that lies at the feet of former President Donald Trump. However, according to former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, the culpability for the violent, fatal insurrection spreads so much further than the disgraced, sore loser ex-president alone. Katyal believes that it spreads far and wide throughout nearly the entire Republican party — and he thinks not only does the January 6th House Select Committee know it, they have the evidence to prove it.

Neal Katyal made an appearance on MSNBC recently, where he explained his fact-based theory.

Host Jason Johnson reported, “We’re starting to see more incriminating evidence leak out, we’re seeing just how deep the plan to steal the election of 2020 was. Newly revealed text messages obtained by CNN show Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) going right to Mark Meadows in full support of the claims of fraud being pushed by Trump and the MAGA team.”

Johnson interviewed Katyal as well as Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks during the segment for their thorough analyses on the matter.

“We know that it’s bad and exposes what the Republicans were trying to do, but what can DOJ do with the text messages with the case that they’re currently pursuing?” the MSNBC anchor questioned.

“I think they can do a lot,” Katyal responded. “And even before we get to DOJ, I think it paints a bigger picture about what the January 6th investigation is all about. And I think a lot of us have been wondering, ‘Why is it that the Republican Party hasn’t cared more about what happened on January 6th?’ Right after it happened, Mitch McConnell and others condemned it and the like. And I think these texts today, Jason, start to point to an answer, which is that the rot wasn’t just Donald Trump. It goes to many leaders in the party.”

The MSNBC panel went on to discuss the extent of that “rot.”

Wine-Banks argued that Americans should give GOP senators who voted in favor of certifying the Electoral College votes in now-President Biden’s favor the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately, only 6 Republican lawmakers sided with Donald Trump’s attempted coup and voted against the Electoral College votes certification.

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However, Katyal disagreed with this assessment. the former solicitor general asserted that culpability rests on the shoulders of every single Republican who voted against Donald Trump’s second impeachment over his incitement of the January 6th attack.

You can watch the MSNBC discussion here:

Featured image via Flickr/White House Public Domain 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
