Ex-Employee, Family Insider Took Aim At Ivanka Trump, Claimed That “Jared Is Gay And It’s An Arranged Marriage”

Well then...

606 points

Even though Donald Trump’s presidency is thankfully over now, no one will soon forget daddy’s favorite daughter-wife, Ivanka Trump’s RNC speech that she spent hawking her daddy’s lies and bullshit.

It’s was clear that Ivanka was doing her dead-level best to earn that allowance check of hers and she seemed to be doing so happily.

Over the years, there has been a whole lot of speculation surrounding the relationship “enjoyed” between the Trump father/daughter duo. And trust me, so much of it is so beyond sickening that I don’t even have the words to describe it.

However, it’s not often that anyone really takes a moment to consider what Ivanka’s relationship with her father means for her relationship with her husband, Jared Kushner.

Noel Casler used to serve as Ivanka Trump’s handler during their time on The Apprentice. And with his days of reality TV now long behind him, Casler has devoted a good portion of his daily life to exposing Donald Trump and his family as the truly corrupt and disgusting excuses for human beings they are.

As part of such, Casler has been the source for many of the theories we’ve looked into regarding Ivanka and Donald’s sickening relationship.

But the bombshell that came on the night of Ivanka’s RNC speech was an even bigger doozy than we were prepared for.

As Ivanka delivered her RNC speech from The White House, Casler took to his Twitter account with a revelation that speaks to the relationship Ivanka has with her actual husband.

And frankly, it makes a lot of sense.

“Is this a bad time to tell you that Jared is gay and it’s an arranged marriage?” Casler penned. “Vanky doesn’t mind one bit.”

To be completely honest, I just don’t doubt this one tiny little bit.

However, I have to say I can’t think of a single better way for Casler to spoil Ivanka’s little fifteen minutes of fame.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
