Ex-President Trump’s Former Surgeon General Admitted He Has Struggled To Keep His Career Intact Thanks To The “Trump Effect,” In Brutal WaPo Interview

The Trump Rot never goes away.

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Some call it the “Trump Stench,” others call it the “Trump Rot,” or the “Trump Effect.” Jerome Adams is calling it the “Trump Hangover.”

But, whatever you want to dub the phenomenon, the former Trump Era Surgeon General is clearly learning the hard way that an association with the corrupt, scandal-ridden former president will cost you your career.

Former Trump Administration Surgeon General Jerome Adams recently sat for a telling interview with the Washington Post, in which he admitted that his four-year stint in the controversial ex-president’s Cabinet left him desperately struggling to find work after Trump’s tumultuous term came to an equally turbulent end.

“People still are afraid to touch anything that is associated with Trump,” Adams admitted to the Post in the bombshell interview that recently went public.

The former surgeon general and his wife Lacey spoke of his numerous attempts to find work in the field of academia, only to be met with polite rejection after polite rejection from officials at the universities he applied to. While it seems officials weren’t too specific about their reasoning for their rejections, Adams and his wife said they fully believe that the university administrators were concerned about having a former Trump Administration official on campus among largely Left-leaning students.

Adams, who’s only 48 years old, with a lot of career life left in him, ultimately called the ex-commander-in-chief “a force that really does take the air out of the room.”

“The Trump hangover is still impacting me in significant ways,” Adams, who served as Surgeon General through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic went on to admit.

Jerome went on to weigh in on Trump’s recent 2024 presidential campaign launch announcement, which already hasn’t been met with much support among key Republicans or the American Conservative crowd, lamenting that the ex-president’s 3rd White House bid “will make things more difficult for me.”

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Adams’ wife, Lacey, didn’t mince her words in the interview when it came to the topic of her husband’s former boss, openly admitting that she “hated Trump” and did not want her husband to work in the Trump Era Administration.

“It was a lot harder than he thought to find a landing spot because of the Trump Effect,” Lacey said while speaking of her fear of the “stigma” around Jerome’s Trump Administration job.

Adams remained unemployed from January 2021 until September, when he finally landed a position as the executive director of health equity initiatives for Purdue University President and former Republican Indiana governor, Mitch Daniels.

However, Adams went on to clarify in the interview that he was “not complaining” about his struggles to find gainful employment, claiming “it is context.”

Read the full interview here.

Featured image via Flickr/Trump White House Archives 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
